Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not Professional Content and Definetly Not Knol!

Do you know How to Gauge Your Potential for Medical Transcription. Most people don't. In fact, most people don't know what medical transcription is all about full stop. It's a bit like buying a franchise. Some are real money machines, but you still have to work at them.

The Life of a Franchisee is not always easy. Money machines (like the fast food industry) still take a lot of hard work and sometimes that hard work is just keeping the staff trained and the shop front up to a particular standard.

Do you practice Yoga? If you are a franchisee then yoga can be a great relaxer when things get a bit tough. Do you dress for it? Yoga Clothes – For Style Or Comfort? Yoga clothes can help put you into the right mood for a session. It's like you are removing your life clothes (full of stress) and putting on a set of stress free clothing.

I am sure you have noticed that I don't write very good copy when it comes to SEO. In fact, I don't do a lot when it comes to SEO. The Benefits of Professionally Written SEO Copy are numerous however, unless you are a good writer, this copy is not always cheap.

But then, if you know what Google Knol Pages and the Knol Buddy Extension for Google Chrome is - you are either an avid reader or a good writer. Google's Knol is an interesting exercise. It's like an article directory - full of helpful articles, but they are supposed to be from those that are an authority on the topic. Notice I said supposed to be - nuff said, I am off to bed.

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